All posts in Vorträge

4.282 Neodym-YAG- and Holmium-YAG-Lasing, Laser effect on Low Back Pain and pseudoradikulare Problems

Titel: Neodym-YAG- and Holmium-YAG-Lasing, Laser effect on Low Back Pain and pseudoradikulare Problems

Veranstaltung: 4th Internat. Spine Symp.

Autor: J. Hellinger

Veranstaltungsort: München

Veranstaltungsdatum: 22.09.–23.09.1995

4.281 Laparoscopic Spondylodesis in Post-Nucleotomy Syndromes

Titel: Laparoscopic Spondylodesis in Post-Nucleotomy Syndromes

Veranstaltung: Europ. Spine Society. 6th Annual Meeting.

Autoren: J. Hellinger und J. Schimmler

Veranstaltungsort: Noordwiijk aan Zee | Niederlande

Veranstaltungsdatum: 14.09.–16.09.1995

4.280 The Computerized Spine Motion Test with integrated percutaneous Back Muscle EMG. Pre- and postoperative following a Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression and Nucleotomy

Titel: The Computerized Spine Motion Test with integrated percutaneous Back Muscle EMG. Pre- and postoperative following a Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression and Nucleotomy

Veranstaltung: Europ. Spine Society. 6th Annual Meeting

Autoren: J. Hellinger und H. Kornelli

Veranstaltungsort: Noordwiijk aan Zee | Niederlande

Veranstaltungsdatum: 14.09.–16.09.1995

4.279 Nonendoscopic Percutaneous 1064 –Nd-YAG-Laser Disc Dekompression: Mechnism, Technique, Experience

Titel: Nonendoscopic Percutaneous 1064 –Nd-YAG-Laser Disc Dekompression: Mechnism, Technique, Experience

Veranstaltung: Europ. Spine Society. 6th Annual Meeting

Autor: J. Hellinger

Veranstaltungsort: Noordwijk aan Zee | Niederlande

Veranstaltungsdatum: 14.09.–16.09.1995

4.278 Laser Disc Surgery in the Cervical Spine. Technique and Clinical outcome

Titel: Laser Disc Surgery in the Cervical Spine. Technique and Clinical outcome

Veranstaltung: 4th Symposium on Laser-assisted Endoscopic and Arthroscopic intervention in Orthopaedics

Autor: J. Hellinger

Veranstaltungsort: Universitätsklinik Balgrist in Zürich | Schweiz

Veranstaltungsdatum: 24.08.–25.08.1995

4.277 A new ring-fixator for dynamometric management of osteosynthesis

Titel: A new ring-fixator for dynamometric management of osteosynthesis

Veranstaltung: EFORT

Autoren: T. Schewior, M Janovec und J. Hellinger

Veranstaltungsort: München

Veranstaltungsdatum: 04.07.–07.07.1995

4.276 Shrinking Effekt on the Disc: Comparative Study of Neodym-YAG-Laser 1064 nm and Holmium-YAG-Laser 2080 nm

Titel: Shrinking Effekt on the Disc: Comparative Study of Neodym-YAG-Laser 1064 nm and Holmium-YAG-Laser 2080 nm

Veranstaltung: EFORT

Autor: J. Hellinger

Veranstaltungsort: München

Veranstaltungsdatum: 04.07.–07.07.1995

4.275 Percutaneous Holmium: YAG-Laser Decompression of the Subacromial Impingement

Titel: Percutaneous Holmium: YAG-Laser Decompression of the Subacromial Impingement

Veranstaltung: 10. Tag. Laser Med., Laser ’95

Autor: J. Hellinger

Veranstaltungsort: München

Veranstaltungsdatum: 21.06.–23.06.1995

4.274 Percutaneous Neodym-YAG (1064 nm) Laser Disc Decompression and Nucleotomy in Case of Postnukleotomy Syndromes

Titel: Percutaneous Neodym-YAG (1064 nm) Laser Disc Decompression and Nucleotomy in Case of Postnukleotomy Syndromes

Veranstaltung: 10. Europ. Congr. Neurosyurgery

Autor: J. Hellinger

Veranstaltungsort: Berlin

Veranstaltungsdatum: 07.12.1995

4.273 Experiences on 1773 Lumbar, Thoracical and Cervical PLDD/PLDN using ND-YAG-1064 Laser during 5 Years

Titel: Experiences on 1773 Lumbar, Thoracical and Cervical PLDD/PLDN using ND-YAG-1064 Laser during 5 Years

Veranstaltung: 10. Tag. Laser Med., Laser ’95

Autor: J. Hellinger

Veranstaltungsort: 21.06.–23.06.1995

Veranstaltungsdatum: München